Beneath messy, poorly treated hair was a handsome 30-year-old man’s face that just needed a little grooming to shine.
It’s amazing how much some people can change in so little time. There are several cases where individuals transform into someone very different from who they were before due to all kinds of different events. Acquiring millions of dollars in money, obtaining a position of great power, starting a relationship… These are just a few of the many situations that can have a toll on someone and end up changing who they are.
In fact, a simple small gesture, such as offering help to someone in need, can cause a gigantic change in their life. This happened with a homeless person in the United States who, after being notoriously disheveled and covered with dirty and messy hair, ended up with a very different appearance thanks to a hairdresser’s charitable act.
In a video that MMA fighter Prophet Muscle posted on Tik Tok, a hairdresser gives a free haircut and makeover to a homeless man. To the surprise of many, this resulted in a radical change in his appearance. He went from having a rather neglected look to showing his very attractive face.
While one man worked on this homeless man’s messy mane and facial hair, another man fed him. After they were finished, they found out that underneath all that dirt and disheveled hair was a very beautiful and charming person. Unfortunately, at 30 years old, he lives on the street and is addicted to methamphetamine. The barber responded by advising and offering him help, starting by telling him that he was just 34 when he managed to obtain his current life status.
“I had nothing. I had warrants for my arrest, bad credit. I weighed 59 kilograms (…) And these last 15 years, I got married and got those two young children right there.”
– the hairdresser told him in the video.
Finally, this supportive barber also promised him that, when he was ready, he would take him to some meetings to help him with his addiction. He showed how a kind and small action can really help a person.