“I sat helplessly behind the outside window of the intensive care room, watching her last moments,” said Jihad, the 30-year-old who found a way to say goodbye to his mother.
The coronavirus has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. Some people have lost their jobs and have had to remain confined for long months, however, the most terrible part has been the loss of life. On top of that, the virus prevents us from seeing our sick loved ones and from saying goodbye to those close to us when they pass away.
The mother of this young man, named Jihad Al-Suwaiti, was infected with the coronavirus. The outlook was bleak because she was also suffering from leukemia. She was admitted to the Hebron State Hospital in the West Bank (Palestine), where she was deprived of visitors and anything else that might’ve posed a contagion risk. Jihad couldn’t bear to not see his mother, knowing that her health condition wasn’t good.
He accompanied her every day from the hospital window, climbing the walls to see her, even if just for a moment, until she died. They were able to say goodbye to each other.
COVID-19 has taken thousands of people from us. In this story, it was Jihad’s mother, who fought hard against the disease before ultimately losing her life.
It was a hard blow, especially considering that he was the youngest son and that they had a great relationship.
“I sat helplessly behind the outside window of the intensive care room, watching her last moments”
Jihad told the Post newspaper.
The touching moment was captured in images, which circled the world through social media. They even drew a picture of him, where his mother floated to the window to say goodbye to Jihad and to caress him one last time.
They’d lost their father 15 years ago, according to local media reports. It’s been difficult for them ever since and even more so now.
The family’s older brother told local media that hospital security had repeatedly scolded Jihad, but that he’d refused to listen. He was willing to take a risk to see his mother.
There’s no doubt that nothing will be the same for them, as well as for many other people who’ve lost loved ones. For reasons like this, we must work together to take down the pandemic by taking care of ourselves and listening to the authorities. It’s up to all of us to end this tragedy.