“It really moved me. It was as if an angel wanted to help me.” The incident, which took place in Turkey, demonstrates just how innocent and loving animals can be.
For many people, animals are angels sent down to earth to keep us company. As crazy as it sounds, there must be some truth in it, because you only need to watch them to see how pure their hearts are, untainted by cruelty, destruction or perversion. The stray puppy who is the protagonist of our story, is proof of this.
This dog interrupted a scene right in the middle of a play to comfort an actor, who was lying on the floor pretending to be injured. He didn’t like watching him suffer and wanted to cheer him up.
Here you can watch a video of the cute moment. If that’s not a little angel, we don’t know what is.
“ It really moved me. It was as if an angel wanted to help me.”
It all took place on the streets of Turkey, where the actor Numan Ertuğrul Uzunsoy was supposed to lie on the floor and pretend to be injured. The audience was eagerly watching the actors’ every move. While the narrator was telling the story of the scene, the dog approached and lay down on top of the actor, giving him plenty of TLC.

Obviously the dog didn’t understand that the whole thing was an act and that the actor was merely giving a performance.
“The character that I was playing was injured and in a lot of pain. He’d fallen off a horse and was having trouble breathing”
The actor told media outlet The Dodo
The little dog felt like he should comfort him and show him some love to help him recover. So he didn’t hesitate to give him a hug!

Nobody could stop him getting to Uzunsoy, and an assistant had to very gently lift him off the actor, as they understood it was a loving gesture.
The dog reacted happily, as if it were all a game.

Everything ended with laughter and exclamations of “awww” all round. Everyone was enamored by the pup’s sweet attitude.
And there are hundreds more cases just like this one, showing us that, just maybe, angels do exist.