A passerby noticed the strange lump and started digging. Left underground, this man discovered that she’d also been tied around the neck. Fortunately, he managed to save her life.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all and that man’s evil has limits, something like this happens. Pedro Dinis was walking his dog in the suburbs of Paris along Carrières-sur-Seine when he saw a strange lump on the ground. Upon getting closer, he realized that the lump was actually the head of a dog… who was buried alive. Shocked by what he had in front of him, he quickly unearthed the poor animal, who looked tired and weak. He doesn’t know how long she had been there in the sand.
While digging up her paws, his own dog helped the poor dog understand that everything would be fine and that she was no longer alone.
He kept digging and slowly began to see the dog’s legs.
Someone had not only cruelly buried her, they’d also tied her up and hidden the end of the rope.
Once he managed to get her out of her grave alive, he gave her water. The poor thing was very dehydrated.
He then quickly took her to the vet to get her health checked out. Now, thanks to him, this dog’s life is no longer in danger.
Furious about what he’d just witnessed, Dinis posted the photos on Facebook, disparaging this act of cruelty and emphasizing that there are laws that can sentence the person responsible for this crime up to 2 years in prison and force them to pay a 30,000 euro fine for animal cruelty.
His story went viral and soon Dinis would have something to celebrate: thanks to a collar the dog was wearing, they managed to locate her owner, who was arrested at his home.
When they confronted him, he denied having done so, yet justice would outsmart him. During his court hearing, the dog’s owner indicated that she had run away from home, but the authorities didn’t believe him. His dog was 10 years old and had a severe case of arthritis, making his story far from convincing. The man was tried on charges of animal cruelty in March 2016.