Some wear masks to protect others, while others wear them to protect themselves. The reason why they’re worn doesn’t matter as long as they’re used in public.
For everyone, wearing a mask has become part of everyday life upon leaving our homes (since in quarantined places it’s not something that is used regularly). The truth is that our lifestyle has changed. We’ve left aside greeting each other with hugs to say hello from a distance.
As long as this disease exists, this isn’t a poor measure. Although we miss affectionate gestures, we must understand that by using these protective implements we demonstrate that we respect each other.

It’s very likely that when you go out and see someone without a mask you feel scared. It generates unnecessary stress because we know that this person is either exposing themselves or us. Furthermore, we take factor in the sacrifice that being locked up at home due to the quarantine has meant to all of us.
In addition to that, since millions of doctors and all health personnel risk their lives to take care of people, the least we could do to show our appreciation is to take care of ourselves.

This is why the use of the mask has become a symbol of fraternity, because it’s not simply about protecting ourselves but also about showing others that they’re being taken into regard. When you leave an enclosed area, don’t forget your mask and make sure to frequently wash your hands well.
It’s important to educate those people who are indifferent to this situation. However, more than a scolding, it’s necessary to inform them about the reality of the situation over and over again until they understand.

We’ve seen humanity show its resilience in the face of adversity, so let’s continue on like this. It’s a constant fight, but we can’t let a virus beat us. We’ve defeated others in the past and this will be no exception.
One of the people who has expressed his sadness is Dr. Mark Smolinski, who’s faced this disease from the front line.

He commented to Forbes that it’s understandable that many may want to spend their summer relaxing but that unfortunately it’s not possible at the moment. It’s precisely because of these desires that it’s necessary to respect the rules of social distancing to be able to return to the lifestyle that we’re accustomed to as soon as possible.
It’s time to reflect. Wearing masks doesn’t impact our economy directly and they allow us to stay healthy. Although there are some people who are forced to break social distance, they should be conscious of using this device.